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August 31, 2004



The pooling scarf looks great! It does work! I gotta try mine again. We seem to have a lot of projects in common - the scarf, Klaralund, hush hush. Neat! Have fun with the stash enhancement! Nothing like cleaning out the finishing basket to inspire you to more shopping. :)


I'll be hopefully starting the Pool scarf soon. Just waiting for my yarn. Your tips are going to be invaluable I am sure!! It looks great!!

rachel m.

the scarf is fantastic. and i love how it looks blocked out. i'm still deciding if i'll want to block or not when i'm finished. thanks so much for your help. if you look at my site, you can see i got the hang of it! even my grandma thought it was pretty, and she hates everything!


Your scarf looks wonderful and so does Birch. I started mine 2 months ago and I'm still on row 5. :(


You picked a great colorway for the scarf. It looks lovely -- almost makes me want to wish for cold weather for you!

I've been working on Salt Peanuts. Its a pretty quick knit, and the fronts are definitely require some thought, so it's got some entertainment value, too.


Your scarf is beautiful. I'd been on the fence about making one, but seeing yours finished inspired me to seek out the yarn to make one. Unfortunately the yarn store didn't have colors that I liked and I ended up with a different Schaefer yarn which just didn't want to line up (or more likely, it was my patience that ran out). Looking forward to seeing your next projects and postings....


Where can I find the pattern for the Pool Scarf


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